Thursday, February 7, 2013

Add drivers to a .wim file when creating a Windows Image

Prereq: Obviously you do need Windows AIK installed on a system

<start><all programs><Microsoft Windows AIK> run Windows PE Tools Command

Mount your boot.wim
(i assume boot.wim on C:\ and you have an empty folder called C:\MOUNT and your Driver is in c:\driver) Imagex /mountrw C:\boot.wim 1 C:\MOUNT

Add driver
Peimg /inf:c:\driver\driver.inf c:\mount\windows

Save changes to boot.wim
Imagex /unmount /commit c:\mount

That should be it, just add the changed boot.wim to wds

Not sure there is a way to speed up adding the boot image other than using WDSUTIL from a command prompt

WDSUTIL /Add-Image /ImageFile:<bootimage> /ImageType:boot

I can't remember where I got these instructions but they work...kudos to the IT community

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