Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Unable to contact IP driver. General failure.

For some reason I cannot ping my domain controller.(It runs on Windows 2008 r2)

Pinged the server ip for the server itself , got the below error

c:\>ping xx.xx.xx.xx
Unable to contact IP driver. General failure.
 Tried to ping the loop back ip
Unable to contact IP driver. General failure.

After extensive Googling, here is a solution I found:

It appears the TCP/IP stack may be corrupt.

Logged into the server via admin account , turned off the UAC then taking the following steps to reinstall and reset TCP/IP heap to its original state:

 1)Run the cmd as administrator (operation requires elevation (Run as administrator).
2)Type  netsh int ip reset in the Command Prompt shell, and then press the Enter key.
3)Restart your computer.
 Eventually pleasedownload and update the network driver to the latest version. If you server is VM, then goahead and update you VM tools.